Back To Mantra

But what is a Mantra?

Merriam-Webster defines a ‘mantra’ as “a word or phrase that is repeated often or that expresses someone’s basic beliefs”. But to me, a mantra is much more than this. Think of it as a vehicle, a distant noise, a background limited only by your senses. You concentrate on this noise and everything else that it means to you, in order to go deeper within yourself.

Of course, much like most practices, this is easier said than done. Do not fear your separation from your mantra. Only by doing this can you actively go back to it in the end. Our thoughts can overwhelm us, and wash over us like a wave. But do not fight it. Instead, when it washes over you, go deep, and then go deeper. Eventually you will find the depth of the ocean, and your mind will find serenity, solitude, and then peace. You will then float back to the top, you will be lightweight, free from harm. This is when we go back to our mantra.

Go back to the mantra. Go back to mantra. BackToMantra.



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