Buy Nexus Pheromones Online at low price


Has it been long since a woman got attracted to you? And you could be out there wondering what could have possibly gone wrong along the way. Well… precisely it could because you are using the wrong cologne that is causing women to flee from you.

That is why we highly recommend you to get yourself Nexus Pheromones, and you will be back on your feet.

What is Nexus Pheromones?

Nexus Pheromones is a cologne that attracts ladies with a strong pheromone scent. It is a blend of seven human pheromone compounds that echo the pheromone scent of attractive, healthy, fertile men.

The pheromones give information about your immune, fertility and your current sexual interest. It mainly targets the opposite sex and to trigger a natural sexual attraction.

Nexus Pheromones has been made with the extensive reference of over 12 years’ worth of scientific studies in the field of human sex pheromones. Nexus It a faint scent to mask the natural musky smell of the pheromones, meaning it can be worn alone or beneath your favorite cologne. The sensory signals that are produced by the male are picked up on a subconscious level, delivering a chemical message.

Nexus Pheromones is a product line from the Leading Edge Health Company that sells natural products for both men and women. Leading Edge Health is based in Tennessee, Canada. The company mainly focuses on high-quality products that are made from natural product ingredients. Leading Edge aims at providing safe health care for those women and men who want to keep their youthful vigour while keeping and staying healthy at all times by providing them with the right health products.

The product‘s ingredients enhance the following:

  • Attractiveness
  • Masculinity
  • Confidence
  • Sexual destination 


Nexus Pheromones contains ingredients that are made in a laboratory to simulate the natural results of male scents. The ingredients are also known as “The attraction formula” combines seven human pheromone compounds that will give you a maximum effect. These ingredients include;


It is an inactive male sex hormone produced by the metabolism of testosterone.  It is used in the making of medicine and to increase the production of the hormone testosterone, which enhances athletic performance and recovery, increases energy, sexual desire and performance.


It is commonly used and strong social pheromone. When adding Beta-androstenols to other pheromone mixes, it is recommended that you use small amounts. It comes in a 10ml bottle with a guaranteed 10mg dry weight of pure BETA-androstenol. It creates a rapport or a sense of bonding between people hence it has a truth-serum type effect on people


It is a steroidal pheromone that is found in boar’s saliva. It Signals dominance and helps you attract potential mates.


It is a compound that is discovered in human urine and pine pollen, and it is transformed into DHT. DHT is a sex hormone that is accountable for particular manly traits.  It also has properties as an androgen and a human metabolite.


It is a steroid hormone that is responsible for the production of testosterone and estrogen. Androstenedione elevates sexual responsiveness and produces deep feelings.


The manufacturers of Nexus Pheromone cologne claim that androstanone has a powerful, manly influence on women.


It is an attraction and a mood-elevating pheromone. This pheromone often enhances feelings of friendliness and improves relaxation. It is commonly referred to as an “Icebreaker” scent.

Advantages of using Nexus Pheromones.

Increase Pheromone scent Of Nexus Pheromones

It has the following proven benefits;

  • Women come to you: It gives you a noticeable advantage with women.
  • You develop instant chemistry: It gives you the confidence to talk and flirt with a beautiful lady.
  • You have more sex: Enjoy more sex by merely spraying the cologne unto yourself.

How does Nexus Pheromones Work?

Men release pheromones into the air when they use Nexus pheromones. The chemical messenger subconsciously communicates information to the woman about a man’s physical state, genetic makeup, immunities to arouse a sexual response.

The glands in your armpits, genital regions and navel secrete a liquid that contains pheromones. The pheromone scent reaches the nose of the woman as it bypasses the rational brain. The information is therefore sent directly to the woman’s brain centre. If the information received by the pheromones is positive (that is this man is healthy, fit and fertile) then a sexual response will be observed.

How to apply Nexus Pheromones?

You do not need a brochure or pamphlet!

  • Apply Nexus pheromone to your pulse points on your neck and chest, just like any usual cologne.
  • Roughly one to three sprays should be effective.

The cologne should be worn daily, and a single bottle can take you for 30- 60 days.

Does Nexus Pheromones have side effects?

No side effects have been registered about the product; therefore, it is safe for use. The perfume is made with no hazardous ingredients or preservatives. The only results you will be experiencing is that the product is working.

Secondly, the cGMP facility in the United States manufactures the product, and this company has got a good reputation.

Where do I purchase Nexus Pheromones?

Please take a look at our official website for all the ways you can buy your Nexus Pheromones.

Our money-back guarantee

You have   67 days to try out Nexus Pheromones. Use the bottle in its entity if you choose to purchase the product. If you do not notice any distinct improvement in the way women approach, interact, flirt, or respond to your advances, then do not hesitate to contact us for a complete refund of your money minus shipping and handling charges.

It is that simple, either the product works for you or we return your money.

Nexus Pheromones is worth a shot, and you will not regret the results it will bring to you. Get yourself a beautiful woman by just a simple spray unto your body. Get the attraction you have long desired with Nexus Pheromones.